Get Summary

Obtains a summary for a specified plan.

Method: GET

URL: /cleartrial-ws/plans/{planID}/summary

Sample output in JSON:

  "planSummary": {
    "planId": 50027,
    "studyStartDate": "30-May-2013",
    "earliestActivityDate": "30-May-2013",
    "latestActivityDate": "09-Oct-2015",
    "finalReportDate": "09-Oct-2015",
    "studyDuration": 862.0,
    "treatmentPeriodDuration": 602.0,
    "subjectsPerMonthPerSite": 0.54,
    "costPerCompletedSubject": 18996.44749705476,
    "feesHoursFtes": {
      "total": {
        "fees": 58260.47497054761059320782123904791660606861114501953125,
        "hours": 7813.6350025646388530731201171875,
        "ftes": 3.9069629
      "taskSummaryGroup": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Startup Fees",
          "provider": [
              "id": 10104,
              "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
              "fees": 19175.4744262695312500,
              "hours": 887.616597175598144531250,
              "ftes": 1.2336452
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 303.10033813642198641247205159743316471576690673828125,
              "hours": 600.5966637060046195983886718750,
              "ftes": 0.83473337
          "id": 7,
          "name": "Other",
          "provider": [
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 0,
              "hours": 0,
              "ftes": 0.0
          "id": 6,
          "name": "Medical Writing / Final Report",
          "provider": [
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 922.5649221995045081712305545806884765625,
              "hours": 304.208537042140960693359375,
              "ftes": 0.3787054
          "id": 3,
          "name": "Data Management",
          "provider": [
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 2437.8518534520990215241909027099609375,
              "hours": 806.2866775989532470703125,
              "ftes": 0.18980163
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Clinical Monitoring, Closeout, and Site Audit Fees",
          "provider": [
              "id": 10104,
              "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
              "fees": 455.876678466796875,
              "hours": 21.6666660308837890625,
              "ftes": 0.0057697217
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 1565.196786008775234222412109375,
              "hours": 704.093476258218288421630859375,
              "ftes": 0.1874965
          "id": 5,
          "name": "Project Management / Study Oversight",
          "provider": [
              "id": 10104,
              "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
              "fees": 27241.733464062213897705078125,
              "hours": 1115.1467763446271419525146484375,
              "ftes": 0.26250795
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 577.16983725891225986970312078483402729034423828125,
              "hours": 2766.4996128380298614501953125,
              "ftes": 0.65124
          "id": 4,
          "name": "Biostatistics",
          "provider": [
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "fees": 5581.50666469335556030273437500,
              "hours": 607.51999557018280029296875,
              "ftes": 0.16306339
    "feesInflation": {
      "total": 668.934656583986,
      "provider": [
          "id": 10104,
          "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
          "inflation": 0.0
          "id": 16303,
          "name": "!! TEST SP",
          "inflation": 668.934656583986
    "costs": {
      "total": {
        "cost": 131704,
        "inflation": 6049.825683116913
      "cost": [
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Miscellaneous",
          "description": "Miscellaneous costs may be marked up by service 
          "provider": [
              "id": 10104,
              "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
              "amount": 90,
              "inflation": 0.0
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "amount": 2978,
              "inflation": 99.13089752197266
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Pass Through",
          "description": "Pass through costs that are typically not marked up by   
           service providers.",
          "provider": [
              "id": 10104,
              "name": "Cleartrial Operations",
              "amount": 5000,
              "inflation": 0.0
              "id": 16303,
              "name": "!! TEST SP",
              "amount": 123636,
              "inflation": 5950.69478559494
    "url": "/cleartrial-ws/plans/50027/summary"


In Phase I Healthy Volunteers studies, the following additional field appears in the Get Summary API: CPU Pass-Through Cost.