Choose the User Edit Mode

ClearTrial provides four edit modes that govern the assumptions you can enter for a plan and the default field values provided.

For example, in Quick mode, you only need to answer about 25 questions to create a ballpark plan. In Advanced mode, you provide approximately 120 assumptions to fine tune the operational approach and budget for your study. Defining your plan in Advanced mode yields more accurate results than Quick mode.

You can set the edit mode for a specific plan or apply your preferred edit mode to all of your plans by specifying it on your user profile.

Set the edit mode for a specific plan
  1. From the Edit menu, select Plans.
  2. From the Plans screen, select the plan to edit, then click Edit.
  3. At the top of the Overview tab, from the Current Edit Mode menu, select the edit mode. For example, to create a ballpark plan, select Quick.

    The plan updates to show or hide fields and tabs according to the chosen mode.

Plan or edit trials in a specific edit mode by default

Edit your user profile to make adjustments to Preferred and Maximum Edit modes by default.

  1. On the main menu bar, click your user name to view your user profile settings.
  2. Click Edit Profile.
  3. From the Preferred Edit Mode drop-down list, select the desired edit mode; for example, Quick or Advanced.
  4. Click Save.