Working with Custom Field Models

The DRAFT custom field model is considered the working copy and is the only version where changes can be made to custom fields.

You can perform the following actions on the DRAFT model:

  • Checkout—Reserves the DRAFT model so that changes can be made to it. When the DRAFT is checked out by one custom field designer, other custom field designers are not able to modify it; however, the other custom field designers can still view it in read-only mode. To add custom fields, you must check out the DRAFT model.
  • Check-in—Commits any changes made during a checkout session. This also makes the DRAFT model available to be checked out and modified by another custom field designer. Changes that have been made during a checkout session, but have not yet been checked-in, cannot be viewed or modified by other custom field designers.
  • Publish—Creates a new Custom Field Model version that consists of the custom fields that existed in the DRAFT model at the time of publishing. Publishing also releases the new Custom Field Model version for use in plans.

Don't worry, you can always cancel the checkout once you have it opened to discard your changes.