Updated Summary Groups

ClearTrial 6.0 updates existing 5.9 Summary groups in the 6.0 Cost Model. You can view the list of tasks by Summary Group if you launch the context-sensitive help on the Plan/Template Summary tab.

5.9 Summary Group Name 6.0 Summary Group Name
Startup Fees Study Startup
Clinical Monitoring Closeout and Site Audit Fees Clinical Operations
Safety and Medical Management Safety/Pharmacovigilance
Safety and Medical Management Medical Monitoring
Medical Writing/Final Report Medical Writing
N/A Regulatory

ClearTrial 6.0 maps ClearTrial-defined tasks under the ClearTrial-defined “Other” Summary Group to other functions in 6.0. If you have existing user-defined or CT-defined tasks mapped to “Other” in 5.9, those tasks will remain mapped to the “Other” Summary Group in 6.0 and displayed on the Summary tab.

5.9 Task Name 6.0 Summary Group
Initial CRA training for EDC Clinical Operations
Train the EDC Trainer Data Management
Conduct online EDC training session or refresher course Data Management
Provide EDC Help Desk Support Data Management