Access templates

As an Oracle Clinical One Analytics user, you have access to standard reports and dashboards templates available in the shared folders in your catalog.

Before you can access a template, you must have access to the respective dataset used so you can properly view data. Access to a dataset is given based on a permission that you must be assigned in Oracle Clinical One Platform. For more information on these permissions, see About your access to Oracle Clinical One Analytics.
  1. In Oracle Clinical One Analytics, navigate to your catalog as described in Access workbooks in your catalog.
  2. Along the top of the page, click Shared Folders.
  3. Locate the Clinical One Report Templates folder and click to open.
  4. Browse the available reports and dashboards and open one to view.


    Content in Clinical One Report Templates folder is read-only.

Create a modifiable copy of a template and customize templates to analyze aspects relevant to your work.