Diversity & Inclusion dashboard

The Diversity & Inclusion dashboard includes sets of actionable visualizations and reports about the subjects in a study. The data in this dashboard can provide an insight of the study's objectivity to test the safety and efficacy of the drug's formulation.


This is a dashboard specific to study design, meaning special configurations are needed on form design for some visualizations to work properly. These configurations include specific form names (FORM_NAME), question names (ITEM_NAME) and code list configurations (ITEM_F,ITEM_D ). For more details see Required configuration for the Diversity & Inclusion dashboard.

About access and filters

To properly view corresponding data in the Diversity & Inclusion dashboard, you must have access to the Subject Form Items dataset. Because a dashboard is interactive, it displays any study data you already have access to. You can select what information to display using the following filters:


Analyze data from your studies one by one. If multiple studies or sites are used in a dashboard filter there is a possibility that data doesn't appear in the different visualizations due to their default sizes.

Additionally, some charts can be used as filters. Look for the filter icon (filter icon) to the left of the visualization title. Click on any element of the chart with filter interactivity to filter out the remaining visualizations according to the selected data. To reverse selection on the chart, click on any white space within it or use the undo button (undo button) at the upper right corner of the screen.


If the selected filters point to data not present on another chart, it displays No Data Found Message.


The Diversity & Inclusion dashboard includes the following reports:


Data elements used in the visualizations are listed here with data element notation, upper cases with words separated by underscores. In contrast, custom calculation elements are listed using title case. These notations match with what you see in the dashboard template.
Diversity & Inclusion Overview

Use case: review volume of patients across countries and sites, as well as distribution by gender and race.

  • Visualize an overall key performance indicator of diversity and inclusion.
  • Identify high-performance studies and sites.
  • Analyze a participant breakdown across a study based on gender and race.
Title Description Interactivity
KPI: Study Count Key Performance Indicator of total studies.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total studies.
Filtered data.
KPI: Country Count Key Performance Indicator of total countries.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total Countries.
Filtered data.
KPI: Site Count Key Performance Indicator of total sites.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total sites.
Filtered data.
KPI: Subject Count Key Performance Indicator of total subjects.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total subjects.
Filtered data.
KPI: Male Count Key Performance Indicator of total male subjects.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total male subjects.
Filtered data.
KPI: Female Count Key Performance Indicator of total female subjects.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total female subjects.
Filtered data.
KPI: Other Sex Count Key Performance Indicator of total subjects with gender other than male or female.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total subjects with gender other than make or female.
Filtered data.
KPI: Sex not Specified Key Performance Indicator of total subjects with gender not specified.
  • Type: Tile chart.
  • Count: Total subjects with gender not specified.
Filtered data.
Top 5 Countries by Patient Volume Represents the total count of subjects for the top 5 countries with higher subject volume.
  • Type:Vertical bar chart.
  • X-axis: Country name.
  • Y-axis: Subject count.
This chart can be used as a filter.
Top 10 sites by patient volume Represents the total count of subjects for the top 10 sites with higher subject volume.
  • Type:Vertical bar chart.
  • X-axis: Site name.
  • Y-axis: Subject count.
This chart can be used as a filter.
Overall Patient Breakdown by Sex Represents the total count of subjects and percentages by gender.
  • Type: Donut chart.
  • Count: Total subjects by gender. Different colors represent the subject gender.
Filtered data.
Overall Patient Breakdown by Race Represents the total count of subjects and percentages by race.
  • Type: Donut chart.
  • Count: Total subjects by race. Different colors represent the subject races.
Filtered data.
Diverity by Sites

Use case: Identify sites with greatest access to patients of a given race, ethnicity or gender.

  • Analyze the diversity ratio and participant distribution across sites.
  • Identify distribution of population, as well as race, ethnicity and gender density at each site, particularly for Hispanic and Asian populations.
Title Description Interactivity Required configuration
Diversity ratio by Sites Represents the subject ratio for male and female subjects at each site.
  • Type:Scatter chart.
  • X-axis: Male subjects count.
  • Y-axis: Female subjects count.
  • Different colors represent different sites within a study.
This chart can be used as a filter.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'gender' or 'sex'
  • ITEM_F = 'Male', 'Female'
Overall Patient Distribution by Sex across Sites Represents the general patient distribution by gender for all sites.
  • Type: Horizontal stacked bar chart.
  • X-axis: Subjects count. Different colored stacks represent subject count for different genders.
  • Y-axis: Site name.
Filtered data.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'gender' or 'sex'
Top Sites by Asian & Hispanic Patient Density Represents the sites with higher patient density for different ethnic groups, specifically for Asian and Hispanic.
  • Type: Grid heat map chart.
  • X-axis: Ethnicity.
  • Y-axis: Site name.
  • Different colors represent density of subject count for the given ethnic group.
Filtered data.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'ethnicity'
Ratio of Ethnicity populations at each site Represents the percentages of the subject count for different ethnic groups at each site.
  • Type: Horizontal 100% stacked bar chart.
  • X-axis: Subjects count. Different colors represent the percentage of the subject count for different ethnic groups.
  • Y-axis: Site name.
Filtered data
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'ethnicity'
Diversity by Age Group

Use case: Analyze the diversity and inclusion data by age.

  • Analyze the population distribution by age at a study and site.
  • Visualize the randomized participants breakdown by different age groups.
Title Description Interactivity Required configuration
Population Composition by Age at Sites Represents the total subject count for each age group and in total for every site.
  • Type:Horizontal stacked bar chart.
  • X-axis: Age group of subjects.
  • Y-axis: Site name. Different color shades stacks represent the subject count for different age groups.
This chart can be used as a filter.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'date of birth'
Population composition by Age per Year Represents the total subject counts by age group for each year of the study.
  • Type: Vertical bar chart.
  • X-axis: Year.
  • Y-axis: Subject count. Different color shades represent different age groups.
This chart can be used as a filter.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'date of birth'
Population composition by Age at Study Represents the total count of subjects and the percentages of the subject count for different age groups in the study.
  • Type: Donut chart.
  • Count: Total subject counts. Different color shades represent the count of subjects for different age groups.
This chart can be used as a filter.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'date of birth'
Patient Demographics

Use case: Analyze patient demographics for diversity and inclusion.

  • Visualize metrics for participants classified by race and ethnicity.
  • Visualize different age group distribution for every study and site.
Title Description Interactivity Required configuration
Ethnicity and Race for Participants Lists the count of subjects of a given ethnicity and race combination for each site a long with the grand total of subjects per site.
  • Type: Pivot table.
  • Columns: Site name.
  • Rows: Ethnicity and race combinations.
  • Grand total per site.
Filtered data.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'race'
Patient Composition by Age Group Lists the count of subjects for different age groups for every site in every study.
  • Type: Pivot table.
  • Columns: Age groups:
    • < 15
    • 14-64
    • >=15
  • Rows: Site name by study.
Filtered data.
  • FORM_NAME like 'demography'
  • ITEM_NAME like 'date of birth'