Facilities, settings, and user management

An issue with a full SDV strategy occurs (former known issue)

Study managers: Now, when you work with a full SDV strategy, subject statuses are displayed as expected, in the API response and in the system. Previously, even though the SDV strategy was meant for a full verification of subjects' data, certain subjects seemed to not be selected for verification by the strategy's algorithm. For example, a subject's status appeared as NULL, even though they should've been selected for verification. In particular, this issue occurred when settings of the strategy were modified during the course of the study. The cause of this issue was due to certain values not being automatically updated in the application's database. (Issue 34053138)

A user's access to the study expires at the end of the specified date

User administrators: Now, the date that you specify in the To field of an Effective Date Range allows users access to a study through the end of that day. For example, if the date 11-May is defined as the end date, the user can access the study until 11:59 PM UTC of that day. Previously, a user's access would expire at 12:01 AM UTC of that day. For more details, see Other enhancements. (Issue 25475146)

Japanese characters cannot be used in naming an SDV strategy

Study managers: Now, when your language preference is set to Japanese, you can add a Japanese title for your Source Data Verification strategy. Previously, when you attempted to complete the Title field, an error message was displayed stating that only letters and numbers are allowed. (Issue 32705148)