Hide the visit window projection

Sponsor users can now hide the visit window information using the Hide the Visit Window Projection option on the Study Settings page.

Currently, projected visit dates and time frames for upcoming scheduled visits are displayed on the Subjects page. Now, the new Hide the Visit Window Projection setting allows sponsor users to hide the time frame for scheduled visits for an active subject.

Details for sponsor users

A new field, Hide the Visit Window Projection, has been added to the Study Settings page. Selecting Yes for the Hide the Visit Window Projection configuration hides the date and date range for scheduled visits under the visit title. If No is selected , the system displays the projected visit date, or date range, for upcoming scheduled visits.

This configuration can be updated during the study conduct period, and there is no restriction to edit it once a study version is promoted to the Approved container.

Already working in a live study?

Once the upgrade for this release is complete, the Hide the Visit Window Projection configuration will be available for all studies. This setting will be set to No by default for all existing and newly created studies. For step-by-step instructions on how to update this setting, see Specify study, enrollment, and visits settings.