Forms, visits, and rules

Send Notification rule doesn't work as expected

Study designers: Now, when you create a Send Notification rule and specify the study roles that should receive the notification, all users who are assigned that study role receive the appropriate notification when it is generated. Previously, users assigned a specific study role (specified in the Send Notification rule) didn't get a notification when expected. Instead, the rule only worked when you specified the recipients' email addresses. (Issue 34914490)

Duplicate automated queries are unexpectedly created

Rule designers: Now, when a site user enters data manually into a form, the fields that have any automated query rules associated with them will work as expected. Previously, when a site user manually entered data into a field with an automated query rule created for it, that automated query rule may have created multiple queries. (Issue 34909567)

Selecting a value from the Select Lab drop-down results in an error

Site users: Now, after selecting a lab value from the Select Lab drop-down on a lab form, you are no longer presented with an error. Previously, when you made a selection, you were presented with, An issue just occurred in the system. Try performing this action again.

Retracted Workaround: None. (Issue 34783047)

Signing out is required to see updates to a live study (former known issue)

Site users and sponsor users: Now, when a study designer applies a study design update to a live study version (such as adding a new question to a form or adding a new form to an existing visit), that update is properly reflected in the updated study version for a site user to see. Previously, it would take up to 15 minutes for the change to be displayed for the site staff.

Retracted workaround: A site user no longer has to refresh the Subjects page or sign out and back in for the study design updates to become effective. (Issue 33418179)

Removing lab unit or test from code list also removes it from normal ranges list (former known issue)

Study designers: Starting with this release, you no longer can or have to delete a code value from a code list, including lab units or tests. You can only hide a value from a code list. This will ensure that any lab unit or test that you hide from a code list does not remove it from the normal ranges list. For more information, see Create and manage code lists for all studies at your organization.

From now on, on the Subjects page, in the visit view, the lab unit that you hide is still displayed in previously completed lab forms. This ensures that hiding a code value from a code list does not cause any normal ranges that were previously entered to become invalid.

Retracted workaround: You can no longer delete Test Names and Units from tagged code lists, you can only hide these values from the code list. (Issue 31938228)

Icons on a duplicated form are no longer displayed (former known issue)

Study designers: Now, after you duplicate a form, you may notice that its icons are displayed, as expected. Previously, the appropriate icons were not displayed for duplicate forms. For example, if you copied form A, that contained questions related to randomization, calculated doses, rollover visits, and branches, you may have noticed that the copied form A did not display the expected icons that indicated the presence of those questions.

Retracted workaround: You no longer have to refresh your browser’s page to have the duplication icons displayed. (Issue 34296461)

A dialog’s title is not translated to Japanese (former known issue)

Study designers: Now, with your preferred language set to Japanese, you will notice that the All Visits in Branches dialog title is properly translated to Japanese. Previously, after selecting individual cycles for assigning a form to a branch, this dialog's title was still displayed in English.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 33659421)

Closed captions are not generated for a video in Japanese

Study designers: Now, the video called Create and Copy Forms is displaying Closed Captions (CC) in Japanese, as expected. Previously, this video in Oracle Clinical One Platform did not display Japanese Closed Captions (CC). This complicated the user's experience with their in-product training. (Issue 34474875)

The hover text of a branch is not translated to Japanese

Study designers: While the application's preferred language is set to Japanese, when you hover your mouse cursor over a branch's title, the hover text is translated to Japanese, as expected. Previously, the displayed hover text was not translated and the English text also contained a typo. (Issue 32916654)

The Rule Editor dialog title overlaps with a rule’s title (former known issue)

Rule designers: Now, when the application language preference is set to Japanese, the rule’s title (that you add in the Rule Name field) is properly displayed in the Rule Editor dialog. Previously, you may have noticed that a rule's title was overlapping with the Rule Editor dialog title.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 34224726)

An error displays when completing a visit or event with a radio button in Testing Mode

Study Designers: Now, users are able to complete a visit or event with a radio button from a study live in Testing Mode without an error prompting. Previously, when study designers completed a visit or event, the error ‘An issue occurred in the system. Try performing this action again’ displayed when saved. The error showed after saving a subject screening in a Baseline visit. (Issue 34890170)