Greater flexibility for date/time questions

Study designers can now modify the details of date & time, date only, and time only questions within forms to allow for unknown values, following the approval of the study design.

Details for study designers

For date/time questions, study designers can now increase the number of unknown elements in a question, by modifying the Minimum Answer. The format of the date/time cannot be modified following approval, however, study designers can now modify the minimum acceptable answers site users provide for date/time questions.

The Date/Time selector is now a set of radio buttons. Selecting any of the following limits the range of Format options displayed: Date & Time,Date Only, Time Only. For instance, if Time Only has been selected, the following options will be available under Format:HH; HH:MM; HH:MM:SS.

Already working in a live study?

As soon as the upgrade is complete, you will be able to modify the minimum answer subjects can provide for date/time questions.