Order studies using the company filters

A filter to order studies based on sponsor affiliation is now included on the homepage.

Before you work with this feature

This new filter allows Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) to view information about all studies from the same sponsor. You are now able to:

  • Only display studies associated with the user roles.
  • Associate Company names with unique code lists in English and other languages.

To create and manage a custom code list that contains company names for all studies at your organization, you must be assigned either the Study Creator or the Code List Manager global role. Users see only study filters with their assigned studies. For example, a study designer can only see the granted studies for a specific company and not others. Filters are tied to the overall study permissions the user has.

Details for study creators and code list managers

When working with code lists this is what is new for you:
  • For a CRO or sponsor user to filter studies for their organization, you must first create a custom code list that contains all company names on the Library page. This system code list with all company names can be used for all studies at your organization.
  • Upon creating a study, there is a new Company field where you can select the organization that is associated with your study. The options available for the Company field are the organizations that you previously included as code values in the custom code list created on the Library page.
  • In a study's settings, on the General tab, you can add a new selection for the Company field for an individual study at any point during the study conduct period.

Already working in a live study?

After the upgrade is complete, you can create a custom code list with all company names and begin using it for your existing study. For more information, see the Sponsor and CRO User Guide.