Reports, archives, extracts, and notifications

Error in generating a Kit Reconciliation report in a CSV format

Users can now generate a Kit Reconciliation report in CSV format. Previously, users with the permission to 'Run the Kit Reconciliation report in a CSV format' were unable to successfully generate a Kit Reconciliation Report in CSV format if they are not assigned to the appropriate depot, as a user.

Issue (35369692)

Site users receive pending shipment notifications originating from another site (former Known Issue)

Site users: Shipment notifications from sites now activate only when selected. Previously, we reported that site users receive pending shipment notifications originating from a site other than their own. Users should only receive these notifications for the sites they are assigned to.

Retracted workaround: None

Issue (35356232)

The User Assignment and User Assignment by site reports do not generate for specific studies and tenants

Site users: Now, generating User Assignment and User Assignment by Site reports work as expected. Previously, specific studies at your organization experienced errors and delays when attempting to generate either the User Assignment or User Assignment by Site report.

Issue (35299270)

The Subject Data Extract has columns in the incorrect order

Data managers and statisticians: Now, the Subject Data Extract displays form-related data in the appropriate order without any duplicate data. Previously, the extract displayed data in an unexpected way, with duplicate data being present. This issue is now fixed after introducing a new parameter in the logic of the extract called baseStudy Version. This field ensures that any forms you add in between study versions are properly displayed in the extract.

Issue (35143048)

Subject Queries report cannot generate for complex studies when the Audit Trail is on

Now, generating the Subject Queries report for complex studies works as expected. Previously, when users generated the Subject Queries report for complex studies, the action would fail when the option for the Audit Trail was on. Some users received an error message with ''Date couldn't be parsed successfully', some would not receive any notification of the incomplete task.

Issue (34159843)

The Subject Data Extract is missing data from lab forms

Data managers and statisticians: Now, in the Subject Data Extract, you can see all of the data that was collected in a lab form, including the data collected through questions in the flat section (Questions Before the Table). For example, data collected for the Sample Collection Date and the Fasting questions are included in the extract, as expected. Previously, any data that was collected for questions in the flat section of a lab form was not included in the Subject Data Extract.


The previously unexpected behavior was observed when a site user collected data in the flat section as well as selecting a lab to associate with the lab form.
(Issue 35396396)

Study Design report generates without forms

Sponsor users: Now, all forms associated with the visits of a study version display appropriately in the Study Design report when run in the .pdf format. Previously, the .pdf file generated by running the Study Design report did not include all visits and their respective forms as expected. This issue occurred in all modes of a study: Draft, Testing, Training, and Production.

(Issue 35279146)

Data related to form associations might be missing from the Subject Data Extract

Data managers and statisticians: Now, the data related to form associations in the Subject Data Extract within the Form Associations Dataset is appropriately displayed. Previously, you may have encountered the following issues:
  • Values displayed for REPEATNUMBER or RREPEATNUMBER and SREPEATNUMBER were reversed.
  • Values for SREPEATID or RSREPEATID might have been missing from the dataset.
Going forward, the following values are displayed:
  • The two-section form number is displayed for SREPEATNUMBER or RSREPEATNUMBER.
  • The two-section form repeating section row numbers are displayed for REPEATNUMBER or RREPEATNUMBER.
  • For a two-section form where a repeating section row is linked, the UUID is displayed for SREPEATID.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue: 35156289)