Tracking numbers for temperature excursions

You can now provide tracking numbers for kits that have experienced a temperature excursion to improve your tracking and visibility for supply chain issues in a study.

Details for sponsor users

When it comes to your workflow, here's what's new for you:
  • You can now define the Temperature Excursion Starting Number on the Supply Settings tab when Yes is selected for the Allow Temperature Excursions setting.
  • Temperature excursion starting numbers can be configured with a starting value of one (1) digit up to eight (8) digits that sequentially increment by 1. For example, 001, 002, 003, 004, and so on.


    The starting number cannot begin with 0.
  • All kits that are quarantined together receive the same tracking number.
  • Users assigned the Receive the Quarantined Depot Shipment Notification permission receive the new Study Inventory Quarantined notification. This notification alerts users when available kits at a site or depot are marked as Quarantined.
  • Users assigned the Receive Notification of Shipments permission receive the new Pending Shipment notification when a shipment has not been received at a site within the number of days defined in the supply settings.
Updates to the following reports have been made to reflect the new tracking number feature:

Details for site users

Be aware that temperature excursion tracking numbers are displayed under the Kit History side-panel on the Site Inventory page only for kits marked as Quarantined.


If a temperature excursion tracking number is assigned to a kit, it always remains with that kit and can be filtered by Temperature Excursion Number regardless of the kit status.