Reports, archives, extracts, and notifications

The Subject Queries report doesn't properly display audit-related data

Now, when you generate the Subject Queries report with the Include Audit Trail set to Yes, you'll notice that the expected and relevant data is displayed in the following columns:
  • Query State
  • Query Comment
  • Value
  • Unit of Measure
  • Last Updated On Site
  • Last Modified By
  • Last Modified Date

Previously, these columns were populated with a value of N/A. Moreover, the columns would only display data when the Include Audit Trail setting was set to No and this issue could only be reproduced for some subjects. (Issue 35972590)

The Site Status Change Alert email notification fails with a system error

Now, the Site Status Change Alert email notification is sent successfully. Previously, the email notification failed to send with the error, userList Size exceeds max length: 4000.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35781902)

The SDV Configuration column in the Study Design Dataset does not populate correctly

Now, the SDV Configuration column in the Study Design Dataset in Oracle Clinical One Analytics accurately reflects what is recorded in the system when generated.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35826804)

Cannot generate the Subject Queries report for large studies

Now, you can generate the Subject Queries report successfully when the setting Include Audit Data is set to Yes.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35571602)

Kit Dispensation report does not display visit branches for the Visit Title filter (former known issue)

Now, visit branches, defined in a study, are displayed in the Visit Title drop-down on the Settings side panel when running the Kit Dispensation report. The permission, Run the Kit Dispensation Report is required to generate this report.

Retracted workaround: Use All (default option) for the Visit Title filter when running the report. (Issue 32411770)

Form status (signature details) displays incorrectly in CRF Submit Submission PDF archive (former known issue)

Now, if both form and visit level signatures are configured and a user signs at the visit and subject level (not at the form level), then edits an item on a form in the signed visit, the Form Status (signature details) in the Submission PDF header displays Ready to Sign instead of Ready to Sign, Unsigned.

In this scenario, the Form Status should not include Unsigned as the form was never signed.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35272192)

The Study Enrollment standard report includes incorrect Screened Subjects count

The Country Enrollment tab in the Study Enrollment standard report now displays the correct number under the Screened Subjects column. This column includes the number of subjects with a state of screened at the time the report was run. Previously, screen-failed subjects that were never screened were counted as screened and counted in the report.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35332850)

Training Completion date discrepancy between HS Learn and the Clinical One Training report

Now, the training completion date for training assigned in UMT matches when comparing HS Learn and the Clinical One Training report. Previously, the completion date in the Clinical One Training report showed the training completion date one hour earlier than the date in HS Learn.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35369914)

The Clinical One Training report fails when it includes email addresses containing a single quotation mark

Now, the Clinical One Training report generates successfully when it includes users with a single quotation mark in their email addresses. A check has been implemented to check and escape when a single quotation mark is present in an email address.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35469774)

Date values in the Subject Data Extract are swapped (former known issue)

Now, the Entered Date and Last Changed Date values are no longer switched in the Subject Data Extract output and appear under the appropriate columns.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35506296)

The Notifications icon on the home page does not turn blue, indicating unread notifications (former known issue)

Now, the notifications icon on the Home page, Studies list, turns blue when new notifications are available.

Retracted workaround: Hover over the Notification icon; it displays the number of unread notifications. Click the notification icon to view them. (Issue 35355647)

The Annotated Case Report Forms & Study Design report (in PDF) fails when a SAS Variable includes an invalid XML character

Now, additional validation during study design does not allow invalid XML characters to be entered in a SAS Variable. This removes the possibility of downstream impact when generating these reports in PDF format.

Retracted workaround: Generate the reports in HTML format or remove the invalid XML character (Issue 35120652)

The Study Design report does not properly display code list data (former known issue)

Now, if a code list’s name is identical to the questions reference code, the code list name, code values, descriptions, and codes are displayed consistently in the List of Values column in the Study Design report.

Retracted workaround: To properly display code list details in the Study Design report, change the code list’s name or the question’s reference code; they should not match. Otherwise, code list data will not be displayed as you would expect. (Issue 34751953)

The Annotated Case Report Forms and Study Design reports contain no Forms section

Now, the correct visit details are included in the Forms section of the Annotated Case Report Forms and Study Design reports after a new study version has been applied using Advanced Study Versioning (ASV).

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35386033)

The Study Roles report (by study) does not include the study name

Now, when filtering by all studies, the Study Roles report (by Study) includes the study name in the blue banner above the report table and not the studies GUID value.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35455370)

The Study Design Delta report results in an error when generated for approved study versions

Now, the Study Design Delta report, used by study designers to identify study design configuration differences and verify changes between study versions before moving to Production, no longer results in errors and displays the changes between the chosen study versions.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35484673)

Cyclic visits have the same Projected Visit Date in the Subject Visits (Unblinded) report affecting the predictive resupply

Now, the Projected Visit Date (for cyclic visits) in the Subject Visits (Unblinded) report includes the correct dates. This ensures there is no impact to the resupply algorithm, which uses the Projected Visit Date in the Subject Visits (Unblinded) report for drug projection for predictive resupply. For more information, see the Subject Visits (Blinded) report.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35598456)