Site users and subject data

A repeating row or instance unexpectedly becomes unsigned or unverified

Now, when you clear a result only that instance of the form is unverified or unsigned. The SDV and Signed status of other repeating instances is not impacted. (Issue 36325535)

A visit's status is incorrectly displayed as Unverified

Now, when you verify a visit that was previously unverified, and you refresh, close, and re-open that visit, its status is still displayed as Verified, as expected.

After the upgrade of release is complete, we recommend you open any visits impacted by this issue. You will notice that their status is correctly updated as Verified. We do not recommend refreshing the Subjects page to ensure that your verified visits display the expected status.


The existing Audit History for any impacted visits will display a new record indicating that the visit was verified appropriately. No other new changes will be displayed in a visit's audit history.
(Issue 36340891)

A deleted row reappears when a user conducts Source Data Verification (SDV), Signs, Locks or Freezes at the visit level

Now, a row deleted from a repeating form, or the repeating section of a two-section form does not reappear when a user conducts visit-level Source Data Verification (SDV), Signing, Locking or Freezing. The deleted row previously appeared when the following actions occurred:
  1. A user entered data in at least two questions in an instance, leaving at least one other question unanswered.
  2. A user then cleared at least one question (using the clear functionality).
  3. A user then deleted the row.
  4. Visit level SDV, Sign, Freeze or Lock is performed.

After these steps, the deleted row is present in the UI. (Issue 36284515)

Data for choice questions is not displayed for a visit

Now, the data for choice questions (drop-down, check box, and radio button) displays in a visit when you change the filter selection (within the visit) from All reviews to Ready to Verify. (Issue 36257210)

Users in different time zones see different time data for the same date/time question

Now, the value entered for the time component of a date/time question is displayed to all users as entered, regardless of the viewing user's computer time zone setting.

Previously, the system converted the time value based on the time zone setting of the user viewing the data. (Issue 36308286)

Visit schedule and data may not correspond to a selected subject

When you access a subject's visit, then access a second subject's visit, and return to the Subjects page, the expected visit schedule, as well as their associated and collected data is displayed in the application. Previously, you may have encountered an issue where you would see the projected visit schedule and form data associated with a different subject than the one you previously selected.

If you experienced this, know that this was an issue only affecting the User Interface (UI) and it didn't affect your study's data. (Issue 36208670)

Partial dates prevent data from being collected in a lab form

If a subject’s date of birth is configured as a Date/ Time question allowing partial dates, this no longer prevents a site user from properly collecting data in a lab form for lab units and ranges. Previously, when a subject’s date of birth allowed the collection of partial dates (such as YYYY), the lab form wasn’t loading and the application displayed a message stating that demographic data was required before filling in a subject’s lab normals. (Issue 36221890)

Username and password fields are not displayed in the Sign Data window

In the Production environment, when you you attempt to sign data in your study, the Sign Data window displays the Username and Password fields, as expected. Previously, the window displayed an error message that didn't provide any helpful information and prevented you from successfully signing data. (Issue 36177246)

Users cannot view or add form-level comments in a repeating form (former known issue)

Now, users can view and add form-level comments in a repeating form after clicking the hamburger icon at the form level, followed by clicking View Comments or Add a comment.

Retracted workaround: Open one of the records in the repeating form table, then click the hamburger icon at the form or item level to view or add comments. Issue (35682899)

Users with the Japanese language selected are unable to enter dates

Now, Japanese language users can enter dates, for example, Informed consent date and Date of Birth, using the calendar to select a date for an item. Previously, users were presented with the error, The month you selected is out of scope, please select a value from 1 to 12.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 35475774)