Create treatment arms

Make a POST request to create the three treatment arms for your study.


  • To run these Oracle Clinical One Platform API calls, you need to include an authentication token. For instructions on how to generate your authentication token, see Get a token for authentication and Use the token to make an API request.
  • For every API call make sure you construct the URL using the correct server URL and path parameters values.
For the following API calls, you need the studyID and version. These values are retrieved as part of a prerequisite, see Get study information.

Step 1: Create the three Request Payload Files

Below is an example of what the payload for creating a treatment arm looks like. In this example we will create three different treatment arms:

  • Treatment A: 10mg dose
  • Treatment B: 5mg dose
  • Treatment C: Placebo dose

Treatment A:

Create a new JSON file called TreatmentA.json and copy the following:

    "title": "10 mg dose",
    "shortName": "A",
    "description": "Medicine 10 mg",

Treatment B:

Create a new JSON file called TreatmentB.json and copy the following:

    "title": "5 mg dose",
    "shortName": "B",
    "description": "Medicine 5 mg",

Treatment C:

Create a new JSON file called TreatmentC.json and copy the following:

    "title": "Placebo dose",
    "shortName": "C",
    "description": "Placebo",

Step 2: Create treatment arm using payload file

Run all the following cURL call to create a treatment arm. Run one for each payload file:


Replace the name of the JSON file for each request.
curl -X POST "{studyId}/versions/{version}/arms" -d "@TreatmentX.json"
To make subsequent calls for each specific treatment arm, take note of the treatment arms' id value. In order to create a randomization design using Rest APIs you will need this data. See the following sample response:
    "id": "E322F08E38124329BD185847AFD971E8",
    "title": "10 mg dose",
    "shortName": "A",
    "description": "Medicine 10 mg"

For more information on how to build the payload and other parameters, see Create a new treatment arm for a study version.

Get all treatment arms in a study version

Run the following cURL call to view all treatment arms in a study:

curl -X GET "{studyId}/versions/{version}/arms"

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get list of treatment arms in a study version.


Browse for these and other related APIs under the Tasks section of this guide. If you see any deprecated endpoint, look for its newest version.