Create a study

Create a study in Oracle clinical One Platform, you can do this using Rest APIs or directly through the User Interface (UI).


  • To run these Oracle Clinical One Platform API calls, you need to include an authentication token. For instructions on how to generate your authentication token, see Get a token for authentication and Use the token to make an API request.
  • For every API call make sure you construct the URL using the correct server URL and path parameters values.

Add a study

  1. Create JSON file for your request body, including all study data. For example, SampleStudy.json.
  2. Run the following cURL command to add a study:
    curl -X POST "" -d "@SampleStudy.json"


    If you used a different name for your file, replace it in the cURL command.

For more details on this API and to see a request body sample, see Add study.

You can also create a study directly through the Oracle Clinical One Platform UI. See Create a study.


After creating your study, submit a support ticket to complete the study setup in the Oracle Cloud. In the ticket, provide the study name and the URL you use to access Oracle Clinical One Platform. If you don't submit a support ticket, errors will occur when you try to perform some tasks. You will receive an email notification when the ticket is closed.

Get a list of all your studies

If your study is already created, run the following cURL command to get a list of all your studies and their details:

curl -X GET ""
Take note of the study's id, and version, as they are required for most Clinical One API calls. See the following sample response:
    "id": "9AFDA8D726FE4A958AADF581BCA7BFF7",
    "version": "",
    "studyTitle": "MyTestPillStudy",
    "studyDescription": "My First Study",
    "versionTitle": "MyTestPillStudy",
    "studyPhase": "III",
    "therapeuticArea": "Dermatology",
    "openLabelBlinded": "Blinded"

For more details on this API, like its parameters and response objects, see Get a list of all studies.

To consult additional study information, see Retrieve study information.