v2.0 REST Endpoints

The operations from the Codelist/v2.0 category.
[Deprecated]: Get a code list matching the given code name in the payload
Method: get
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist
[Deprecated]: Get all historic code lists for a given code name
Method: get
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/history/{name}
[Deprecated]: Get code list by code namematching the given code name.
Method: get
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/{name}
[Deprecated]: Insert a new code in a code list
Method: post
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/code
[Deprecated]: Insert a new code list
Method: post
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist
[Deprecated]: Update an existing code list
Method: put
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist
[Deprecated]: Update code list with tags by code list ID
Method: put
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/code/{codeId}
Get code list matching the given parameters
Method: get
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/values/{fieldName}
Get list of all code lists by code list type
Method: get
Path: /ec-codelist-svc/rest/v2.0/codelist/all