v8.0 REST Endpoints

Data Capture/Data Elements/v8.0
The operations from the Data Capture/Data Elements/v8.0 category.
[Deprecated]: Create multiple data elements for a subject
Method: post
Path: /ec-dc-svc/rest/v8.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/dataelements
[Deprecated]: Get all data elements based on subject and visit
Method: get
Path: /ec-dc-svc/rest/v8.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/dataelements
[Deprecated]: Get the audit history for a data element with sign/verify history
Method: get
Path: /ec-dc-svc/rest/v8.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/dataelements/history/{dataElementId}
Update single data element
Method: put
Path: /ec-dc-svc/rest/v8.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/dataelements/{dataElementId}