v3.0 REST Endpoints

Designer/Study APIs/v3.0
The operations from the Designer/Study APIs/v3.0 category.
[Deprecated]: Get all statuses of a study
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/statuses
[Deprecated]: Get status of latest study version
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/statuses/{version}
Add study
Method: post
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies
Check visit in study version
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/visits/{visitId}/validate
Create all visits, forms and questionnaires
Method: post
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/studyDesign
Get a list of all library studies
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/library
Get a list of all studies
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies
Get all coding questions forms
Method: post
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/allForms/coding
Get all forms
Method: post
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/allForms
Get all statuses of a study
Method: get
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}/statusessummary
Update existing study
Method: put
Path: /ec-designer-svc/rest/v3.0/studies/{studyId}