v2.0 REST Endpoints

Library/Library Uses APIs/v2.0
The operations from the Library/Library Uses APIs/v2.0 category.
Get all library uses for a given study
Method: get
Path: /ec-library-svc/rest/v2.0/libraryUses/study/{studyId}
Get library uses by study ID and version
Method: get
Path: /ec-library-svc/rest/v2.0/libraryUses/studies/{studyId}/versions/{studyVersion}
Get library uses for given library ID and study type
Method: get
Path: /ec-library-svc/rest/v2.0/libraryUses/library/{libraryId}/studyType/{studyType}
Get library uses for given study ID and type
Method: get
Path: /ec-library-svc/rest/v2.0/libraryUses/study/{studyId}/studyType/{studyType}
Update library uses object
Method: put
Path: /ec-library-svc/rest/v2.0/libraryUses