v1.0 REST Endpoints

The operations from the Reporting/v1.0 category.
[Deprecated]: Delete a report based on path parameters
Method: delete
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reports
[Deprecated]: Download generated report based on query parameters
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reports/download
[Deprecated]: Download report for a given report job id
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reports/download
[Deprecated]: Generate a report based on search specifications and path parameters
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reports
[Deprecated]: Generate and paginate a report
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reports/page
[Deprecated]: Get generated reports available for download
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reportmetadata/downloadList
[Deprecated]: Get metadata for a specific report based on query parameters
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reportmetadata/reportId/{id}
[Deprecated]: Get metadata for a specific report by ID
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reportmetadata/reportId/{id}
[Deprecated]: Get metdata for all reports based on path paramaters
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reportmetadata
Aggregate data for Oracle CRF Submit
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/crf/reports
Delete a report based on query parameters
Method: delete
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reports
Generate a report based on search specifications and query parameters
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reports
Generate a report based on the direct report payload
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/reports/direct
Generate a scheduled report
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/scheduled/reports
Get metdata for all reports based on query paramaters
Method: get
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/reportmetadata
Kickstarts the generation of report
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/report/job/{jobId}
Submit request for sending notifications
Method: post
Path: /ec-reporting-svc/rest/v1.0/notification/{notificationType}