v1.0 REST Endpoints

Sites and Depots/v1.0
The operations from the Sites and Depots/v1.0 category.
Create Depot Country/State association by depot GUID, country GUID, state GUID
Method: post
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/country/{sdfId}
Create kit settings by sdfId
Method: post
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/kitSettings/{sdfId}
Create or Update Extended Properties for all Sites filtered by paramaters passed
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/extendedPropertiesByFilter
Create site/depot with study id and master address
Method: post
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}
Delete Site, Master Address, properties and Kit Settings by sdfId
Method: delete
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/{sdfId}
Fetch kit settings by sdfId
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/kitSettings/{sdfId}
Get a site or depot details by SDF ID and SDF Type
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/{sdfId}
Get all kit type IDs and main primary countries that are locally sourced and assigned to the sites
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/{sdfType}/locallySourced
Get all return depot properties details
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/depot/{pathAttr}
Get all sites and depots details by study ID based on given filters
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}
Get all sites details by study ID and filters or all depots details by study ID
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/allSdf/{sdfType}
Get all sites main primary country having non locally sourced kits by kit type ID
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/{sdfType}/kitSettings/{kitTypeId}
Get site or depot information by Id
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/{sdfType}/sdfRegion/{sdfId}
Paginated API to get SDF Countries or States associated for depot GUID
Method: get
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/country/{sdfId}
Update kit settings by sdfId
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/kitSettings/{sdfId}
Update or Remove Depot Country/State association by depot GUID, country GUID, state GUID
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/country/{sdfId}
Update sdf status for the given study id, mode id and sdf type
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/{sdfType}/status
Update Ship To Address of a kit Type
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/kitSettings/{kitTypeId}/shipToAddress
Update site/depot with study id and master address
Method: put
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/sdf/{sdfType}/{sdfId}
Validate fields for Study Labs/Depots/Sites
Method: post
Path: /ec-site-svc/rest/v1.0/studies/{studyId}/{mode}/sdfs/{sdfType}/validateFields