Get a list of subjects for the site study version



Retrieves all subjects for the specified study and mode. Only returns subjects for the sites to which the requesting user has access and details described in the Response section for each subject. Rights: DataCaptureSubjectGet and SubjectDataClassificationGet. For the sites having a study version.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The number of subjects, beginning with the offset, that you want to retrieve. Offset must be provided to use this parameter. For example, if you want to retrieve subjects in multiple batches of 10, you can start with an offset of 0 and limit of 10, then repeat calls to this endpoint and increase the offset value by 10 each time.
  • An order number to specify with which subject you want to start retrieving subjects. If provided, you also need to specify a value for the limit parameter. Offset is affected by the value of the order parameter.
  • Specify the sorting order for subjects. Sorting is done by subject number. If you don't specify a value, the order is ascending by default. Accepts asc or desc.
  • ID of site from which subjects are to be retrieved.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : SubjectDto3
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad request.
Body ()
Root Schema : DcsResponse
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ErrorResponseData
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : result
Type: object
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
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