Create all visits, forms and questionnaires



Creates all the visits, forms and questionnaires for the study ID on one or more study versions.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - */* ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : StudyDesignDto v4.0
Type: object
Title: StudyDesignDto v4.0
Information about whole study design for subject .
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormDto v13.0
Form Info
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormDto v13.0
Form Info
Show Source
Nested Schema : StudyVersionVisitDto v4.0
Type: object
Title: StudyVersionVisitDto v4.0
Information about a visit in a study version.
Show Source
Nested Schema : StudyVisitScheduleWithFormIdsDto v1.0
Type: object
Title: StudyVisitScheduleWithFormIdsDto v1.0
Information about visit schedule and visit forms id .
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
Nested Schema : linkFrom
Type: array
linked from forms
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormCopySourceDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormCopySourceDto v13.0
Form Copy Source Information
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormItemDto v13.0
Discriminator: questionType

Discriminator Values

Form Item Information
Show Source
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : advancedProps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : dataClassificationIds
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormNumberItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormNumberItemDto v13.0
Form Number Item Details Information
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormNumberItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : FormChoiceItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormChoiceItemDto v13.0
Form Choice Item Details Information
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormChoiceItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : FormTextItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormTextItemDto v13.0
Form text Item Details Information
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormTextItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : FormDatetimeItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormDatetimeItemDto v13.0
Form DateTime Item Details Information
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormDatetimeItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : FormQuestionGroupItemDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormQuestionGroupItemDto v13.0
Form Question Group Item Details Information
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
Nested Schema : FormTableItemDto
Type: object
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v14.0
    Title: FormItemDto v14.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov14", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov14", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov14", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov14", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov14", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov14", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormTableItemDto-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : FormLabelItemDto
Type: object
Match All
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v17.0
    Title: FormItemDto v17.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov17", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov17", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov17", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov17", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov17", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov17", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDtov17", "section":"#/components/schemas/FormSectionalItemDtov17", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormInstructionalTextItemDtov17", "existingData":"#/components/schemas/Form existing data item DTO" } }
    Form Item Information
  • FormLabelItemDto-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : From Item Advanced Property v13.0
Type: object
Title: From Item Advanced Property v13.0
Form Item Advanced Property
Show Source
Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : From Item Advanced Property Rule v13.0
Type: object
Title: From Item Advanced Property Rule v13.0
Form Item Advanced Property Rule
Show Source
  • For RolloverQuestion property it is an ECDV_CODELISTITEM.VALUE
    Example: Yes
  • name
    Example: RolloverQuestionAnswer
  • For RolloverQuestion property it is an ECDV_CODELISTITEM.CODELISTITEM_ID
    Example: B1B8327AFAA6412287106192AB5984EF
Nested Schema : FormNumberItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormChoiceItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : options
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormOptionDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormOptionDto v13.0
Form choice item option details
Show Source
  • Codelist code for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Codelist description for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Form choice selectbox label for a one specific choice.
    Example: Female
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Form choice selectbox value for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
Nested Schema : FormTextItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormDatetimeItemDto v13.0-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormItemDto v14.0
Type: object
Title: FormItemDto v14.0
Discriminator: questionType

Discriminator Values

Form Item Information
Show Source
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormTableItemDto-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormItemDto v17.0
Type: object
Title: FormItemDto v17.0
Discriminator: questionType

Discriminator Values

Form Item Information
Show Source
Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormLabelItemDto-allOf[1]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : advancedProps
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : options
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : From Item Advanced Property With Parent v17.0
Type: object
Title: From Item Advanced Property With Parent v17.0
Form Item Advanced Property with Parent Info
Show Source
Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : From Item Advanced Property Rule v17.0
Type: object
Title: From Item Advanced Property Rule v17.0
Form Item Advanced Property Rule
Show Source
  • For RolloverQuestion property it is an ECDV_CODELISTITEM.VALUE
    Example: Yes
  • name
    Example: RolloverQuestionAnswer
  • For RolloverQuestion property it is an ECDV_CODELISTITEM.CODELISTITEM_ID
    Example: B1B8327AFAA6412287106192AB5984EF
Nested Schema : FormOptionDto v17.0
Type: object
Title: FormOptionDto v17.0
Form choice item option details
Show Source
  • Codelist code for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Codelist description for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
  • Codelist value for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Form choice selectbox label for a one specific choice.
    Example: Female
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Form choice selectbox value for a one specific choice.
    Example: 1
Nested Schema : FormLinkFromDto v13.0
Type: object
Title: FormLinkFromDto v13.0
Linked From Form Details
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Form items
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
  • FormItemDto v13.0
    Title: FormItemDto v13.0
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"questionType", "mapping":{ "datetime":"#/components/schemas/FormDatetimeItemDtov13", "numeric":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "measurement":"#/components/schemas/FormNumberItemDtov13", "text":"#/components/schemas/FormTextItemDtov13", "choice":"#/components/schemas/FormChoiceItemDtov13", "questionGroup":"#/components/schemas/FormQuestionGroupItemDtov13", "table":"#/components/schemas/FormTableItemDto", "label":"#/components/schemas/FormLabelItemDto" } }
    Form Item Information
Nested Schema : linkFrom
Type: array
linked from forms
Show Source
Nested Schema : formIds
Type: array
List of visit forms IDs
Show Source
Nested Schema : StudyVisitScheduleDto v7.0
Type: object
Title: StudyVisitScheduleDto v7.0
Study visit schedule details.
Show Source

500 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponseData
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
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