Get dispensation visits



Retrieves a dispensation visit in a study.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The type of kits requested: standard, titration, device or all
    Default Value: ALL

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ArmKitVisitDto v4.0
Type: object
Title: ArmKitVisitDto v4.0
Visit kit dispensation per treatment arm.
Show Source
Nested Schema : titrationKits
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ArmKitVisitTitrationDto v3.0
Type: object
Title: ArmKitVisitTitrationDto v3.0
Kit dispensations for a titration group.
Show Source

500 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : ErrorResponseData
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
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