
I need to debug my cURL app

Use the cURL debugging options, such as:

  • "-v" for verbose output,
  • the built-in trace options for detailed tracing of API calls.

I can't authenticate to make API calls

Read through the options below to see what you can do when you can't authenticate to make API calls.

If you are getting errors, you might not have the correct rights assigned in Oracle Clinical One Platform. In order to make certain API calls, you need to have the rights in Oracle Clinical One Platform that allow you to edit, modify, or add data. Contact your study manager to ensure you have the correct role and rights in Oracle Clinical One Platform. Contact your Oracle Project Manager to ensure you have the correct role and rights in Oracle Clinical One Platform. For more information, see the descriptions of permissions in Oracle Clinical One Platform.

If you don't have the Client ID and Secret: Reach out to your system administrator to get that information. Typically, the system administrator should give you that information. You have to store the client ID and Secret somewhere safe, so you can use them to authenticate later.

If you have the Client ID and Secret: Follow these steps to make sure you're all set to authenticate:

  1. Reach out to your delegated administrator to make sure you're provisioned in Oracle Health IAMS with the clinicalone-CNE role.
  2. Check with your system administrator that the Client ID and Secret they provided are correct.
  3. Check with the Oracle Clinical One Platform global user manager to make sure you're provisioned in the right study in Oracle Clinical One Platform.
  4. Double-check that your cURL is set up the right way. For more details, see Install and Configure cURL.

If none of the above options work for you: Go to Life Sciences Cloud Support and expand the entry for Oracle Clinical One Platform. You can open a support request on Clinical One Support Cloud or call us for urgent issues.

Use web browser developer tools to map Clinical One UI actions to Clinical One API calls

If you want more information on what APIs are being called or what to include in the payload, you can view this information by opening your web browser developer tools and viewing the network while navigating and adding data to Oracle Clinical One Platform through the UI.

To do this:

  1. Right click your mouse.
  2. Click on Inspect.
  3. Navigate from Elements to Network at the top of the tools.

When the recording button on the top left of the developer tools is red , it is tracking your actions across the page and you will be able to see what requests/ API calls are being made when you click on certain buttons. The Clear button to the right of the recording button clears all the requests made on the network up to that point in time.

After making multiple requests, you can click through the left column of the page (under name) to see which APIs were called with which payloads for certain actions in Oracle Clinical One Platform.

For example, the screen shots below show the request made when saving data to a form.

Network formRequest payload

The rest API call is shown in the network. It shows you the exact API call and payload to save data into the correct form.

The context provides all of the details of the study, site, and subject for the payload are the same as above.

The data elements are the questions and answers in the form:

  • 0,1 represent the 2 different questions in the form.
  • itemID represents the question.
  • Value is the answer.

The data I got back after an API call isn't what I need

If the data you got back in the Response section isn't what you need, then you might have called the wrong version of an API. In general, we recommend that you use the latest version of an API request to make sure you get the best and most accurate data from the study in your system.

Moreover, make sure you are using the correct query parameters, as specified in the REST API Guide for every API request. If you use an invalid query parameter, the system does not notify you of any errors. Instead, it may generate an incorrect or unexpected output.