Features and Limitations


  • Provides the ability to monitor jobs by subject.
  • Allows for parallel processing of subject data.
  • Includes email notifications sent for failed jobs.
  • Data is processed in the order requests are received.


    If the current job is in a failed status, new jobs for the same subject remain in a blocked status until the failed job either succeeds or is canceled.


Limitations for visits, forms, and items
  • Data upsert into frozen items is not supported.


    An upsert is a database operation that updates an existing row if a specified value already exists in a table, and inserts a new row if the specified value doesn't already exist.
  • Deleting a row on a repeating form is not supported.
Limitations for repeating forms
  • Only those rows inserted through the integration for, Screening, VisitComplete, and AdverseEvent can be updated.
  • Updating or deleting manually added rows for repeating forms is not supported.
  • The data value for items defined as the primary identifier(s) cannot be updated.
Limitations for branch visits
  • Branch visits are added in sequence starting from instance 1; Design settings of cycle start are not taken into account.
  • Partial dates cannot be used as visit start date values.