Enhancements to sites and depots

Sponsor users are now provided with user interface (UI) enhancements, as well as new options when updating contacts and organizations, and newly introduced notifications.

Enhancements to the sites now allow sponsor users to:
  • Restrict a contact or organization without having to transfer or retire existing studies.
  • Enter text when selecting a Reason for Change when deleting a contact.
  • Add the date of retirement or death when marking an investigator as retired or deceased.


    An investigator cannot be selected in a study once they have been marked as retired or deceased.
  • Delete contact and organization addresses if they're not being used at the study level.
  • Clear selected filters on the Contacts and Organizations tabs.
  • Update one or all instances of addresses that have been copied from the main primary address when modifying an associated address.

More details can be found in the Sponsor and CRO User Guide after the Release Assessment Environment (RAE) upgrade.

Impact on notifications

Enhancements to sites also introduces the following notifications:

  • Study/Site has been transferred to a new Contact notification: This notification is sent when a user transfers a study or site to a new contact.
  • Depot has been reassigned to a new Vendor Depot notification: This notification is sent when a user reassigns a depot to a new vendor depot.
  • Contact status has been updated notification: This notification is sent when a user updates the status of a contact at the global level.
  • Organization status has been updated notification: This notification is sent when a user updates the status of an organization at the global level.

Further details can be found in the Notifications and Permissions Guide after the RAE upgrade.

Impact on reports

The Sites and Depots report now includes additional details, such as kit and address types.

More information on these reports can be found in the Reporting Guide after the RAE upgrade.