Site users and subject data

The status of Queries closed in an unscheduled visit are not reflected in the Answer & Visit History side panel

The Answer & Visit History side panel now displays the status Closed for queries closed on the All Subjects page and at the form level (for unscheduled visits).

Previously, the status was displayed correctly in other areas of the user interface and in the Subject Queries report, but was not reflected in the side panel. An incorrect data element ID in the database caused this issue.

(Issue 36847101)

Data does not save when using the right-click-paste function of a mouse

Data successfully saves when you use a mouse's right-click-paste function.

Retracted recommended action: Use Ctrl + V to paste the text into the text field.

(Issue 36455509)

Users are unable to skip a visit after clearing all data

The visit status gets updated to New, allowing users to skip the visit. The issue occurred because the visit's status remained as In Progress after clearing the Visit Date field, which triggered rules to clear all other visit data.

Retracted recommended action:
  1. Go to the All Subjects page and navigate to the visit that cannot be skipped.
  2. Answer any question in the visit and save, but do not answer a question that triggers rules to populate other questions.
  3. Select the Clear option from the menu to remove the data entered in step 2, then save.

    Result: The visit status gets recalculated to NEW, allowing you to skip it.

(Issue 36459552)

Visit Data Verification forces users back to the All Subjects page

Selecting the Ready to Verify or Verified filters under the All reviews drop-down on the All Subjects page, followed by clicking Verify Visit Data on the subject visit details page, no longer results in undesirable behaviors such as infinite loops between the subject visit details page and the All Subjects page.

Retracted recommended action: Do not set the Ready to Verify or Verified filters on the All Subjects page.

(Issue 36129949)