Easily include lab normal updates in existing forms

The process of updating lab normal ranges for existing lab forms is now more seamless.


Any automatic updates to lab normal ranges in lab forms do not impact a question's Signed or Verified status, while lab normal updates are still pushed to lab forms even when their data is locked.

Now that lab normal updates are more seamlessly included in existing lab forms, you can ensure that the most up-to-date normal range values are associated with all subject data without requiring visit-level interaction.

For example, if you identify data entry errors for a local lab's normal ranges during a peer review session, and you proceed to correct those errors in the application, those changes are automatically displayed in the existing lab forms included in a study, including forms that have already been completed or locked.

Details for all users

If you work with local labs, upon updating and saving a lab's normal ranges from the Sites & Labs tab, your updates are automatically refreshed in the existing lab forms associated with a live study version. To ensure that all of your updates are properly reflected in a form, it may take only a couple of minutes for the data to be refreshed.


Want to view an audit trail of your lab normal updates? Either check the Answer & Visit History sidebar for a specific lab form row or run the new Lab Normal Range report. For more information on this new report, see New Lab Normal Range report.

Impact on reports, extracts, or data sets

Any lab normal updates that are automatically applied to existing lab forms are displayed as follows:
  • In the following reports in the Oracle Clinical One Platform: the Subject Data report, the Subject Data Extract, and the Lab Normal Range report.
  • In all of the expected datasets in Oracle Clinical One Analytics where lab normal updates are refreshed appropriately.

Already working in a live study?

Whether you're working in a live study or you're getting ready to set up a new study, you should know that this enhancement is available for new and existing studies and for new and existing labs, sites, and subjects.

For existing lab forms, any lab normal updates you made before this release (release 24.2) will not be applied retroactively. If you completed a lab form prior to this release, your lab normal updates are not automatically reflected in these past forms. Any updates you made to lab normals after this release (24.2) will be reflected in existing lab forms. For more information on how to enable your past lab forms to display your lab normal updates automatically, contact your Oracle point of contact.