Generate an archive or report

Learn how to generate an archive or report.

  1. Navigate to the Reports & Archives tab.
    For step-by-step instructions, see Access the Reports & Archives page.
  2. On the Archives tab, select the archive or report.
  3. On the right, make sure Settings is expanded, and fill in the fields.
    For more information about each archive and report and their settings, see Available archive types and reports.
  4. Click Run Report.
  5. Expand the Download Archives side panel.
    A Download link is made available after processing completes. For more information see, Download an archive or report.

    Table 4-2 Available actions on the Download Archives side panel

    Icon Description
    Pause Pause a request with a status of Generating.
    Resume Resume a request with a status of Paused.
    Cancel Cancel a request with a status of Generating or Paused. Cancelled requests appear under Download Archives until the request is deleted.
    Delete Delete a completed, cancelled, or failed request.
    Reload Archives status Reload Archives status retrieves updated request processing details for all requests with a status of Generating.
    Retry Retry attempts to re-process failed files. Files that generated successfully are not be included in the retry attempt.