Kit Reconciliation report

In this report, you view all kits with a specific status as part of your kit reconciliation work. This report is designed specifically for clinical research associates (CRAs), though other users might also find it useful.

This report shows you all kits with a specific status but doesn't include historical status or other audit information. It is particularly useful for the following scenarios:
  • When you want to see all kits that have been lost by subjects.
  • When you need to find the kits that are ready for destruction.

    For example, you can run the report for all kits with the Returned to Site status, and then you can compare the kits at the site with the kits in the report. Then you can verify the kits and mark them as Ready for Destruction.

    You can follow the same process for kits with the Damaged by Subject status.

  • When you want to see all kits that are either ready for destruction or have already been destroyed.

Keep in mind that all the information in the report is also available on the Site Inventory tab; just use the filters at the top to find kits of a particular status.

Users with Blinded Depot User permission can now see unblinding kit numbers to fulfill shipments. Only data from manually associated depots and sites by the user administrator will show when running the report.


Available in all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production

Permission required to run the report

Any user who's assigned the Run the Kit Reconciliation Report permission can generate this report.


Filter Description
Kit Status Choose one or more kit statuses to include only kits with that status, or leave the filter blank to include kits of all statuses.
Location Choose one or more sites or depots to include only kits at that location, or leave the filter blank to include kits at all locations.
File Type Choose the output type for the report: HTML, CSV or PDF.

Fields description


Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
Initial fields Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
Study Name A study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study
Mode The mode in which you ran this report. For example, you may run a report in Testing mode to verify the data of your sites before going live with your study
Kit status One or multiple kit statuses you selected to include in this report
Report Generated by User name of the user who ran this report (typically a training manager)
Created Date UTC time and date of the current generated report
Location The location you selected for audit history, either a site or depot
Fields in the table header Description
Site name A site's name as entered by the site manager when they created the site
Principal's Investigator Full Name A Principal Investigator's Full Name as listed when the site manager created the site
Site's address A site's address as entered by the site manager when they created the site
Total Kits Reconciled Number of kits reconciled at each site
Fields in the following sections Description
Study Organization ID ID of the site or depot
Kit Number A unique number assigned to the individual kits (serialized kit distribution)
Status Indicates specific states within the reconciliation process; Damaged by Subject, Destroyed, Pending Destruction, Lost by Subject, and Returned to Site as selected by the user who ran this report
Units per Kit Number of individual consumable units in a kit such as pill count or mg
Returned Units Number remaining in the kit as indicated by the site user or clinical research associate (CRA)
Missing Units Number of lost or damaged units in the kit as indicated by the site user
Reconciliation Shipment ID Unique ID of a shipment shipped to depot or drug destruction facility, the unique number associated with that transaction
Depot Returned Units Number of units remaining in the kit when returned to the depot for those studies that are doing a validation at a unit level
Date Reconciled UTC time and date of the kit reconciliation
Reconciled by User name of the user responsible for the transaction
Subject Number If dispensed, the subject number is included in the report
Returned Organization ID Indicates the ID of the site or depot a kit has been returned to. This field appears only when a kit is returned for a kit reconciliation shipment
Returned Organization Name The full name of the site or depot a kit has been returned to. This field appears only when a kit is returned for a kit reconciliation shipment
Verified Date UTC time and date of the clinical research associate (CRA) transaction marking the kit as verified
Verified By User name of the clinical research associate (CRA) who marked the kit as verified