Sites and Depots report

In this report, you view the full list of all the sites, all the depots, or all sites and depots that were added to the study.

You have the following options for the level of detail to include:

  • Current information for sites and depots, such as the name of the PI at a site and the site number.
  • All current and historical information for sites and depots, including the users who made every change.

There are a number of use cases for running this report:

  • You can run the report with current information so that you have it to reference during study management.

    You'll likely also run it after the study finishes so you can add the report to the trial master file.

  • You can run the report with current and historical information if you notice incorrect data and want to figure out when it was changed and by whom.


Available for all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production

Permission required to run the report

Any user who's assigned the Run the Sites and Depots Report permission can generate this report.


Filter Description
Date Range Choose a date range for the report. The report will include only the sites and depots that were updated during the date range.
Location Choose one or more sites or depots to view their audit history, or leave this filter blank to run the report for all locations.
Data Type Choose Current Data to see the current values for sites and depots that changed during the specified date range; or choose Historical Data to see both the current values and all historical changes for the sites and depots that changed during the specified date range.
File Type Choose the output type for the report: HTML or PDF.

Field descriptions


Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
Initial fields in the report Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
Study Name The study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study
Mode The mode in which you ran this report. For example, you may run a report in Testing mode to verify the data before going live with your study.
Date Range Period of time you selected when running this report
Report Generated By User name of the user who generated this report
Created Date The date this report was run
Data Type The type of data selected when running the report
Location The location you selected for audit history, either a site or depot
Fields in the Resupply Strategies section Description
Resupply Strategy Type Type of the Resupply Strategy: Min/Max Resupply or Predictive Resupply
Resupply Strategy Name Name of the Resupply Strategy as entered by the clinical supply manager
Kit Type ID and Description The Kit Type ID is an unique code entered in the design of the study for a kit. A kit's description is also a unique value, this description is either visible (unblinded distribution) or hidden from site users based on the study design
Triggers Weeks

The minimum number of weeks of supply required to be available at the site at all times.

Note: This field appears only for Predictive Resupplies.

Resupply Weeks

The maximum weeks of supply at a site as a result of a resupply order.

Note: This field appears only for Predictive Resupplies.

Minimum Buffer The minimum number of drug units needed to account for unpredictable events, such as new subjects who need to be randomized and lost or damaged supplies.
Maximum Buffer The maximum number of drug units needed to account for unpredictable events, such as new subjects who need to be randomized and lost or damaged supplies.
First Shipment Number of kits included in the first shipment
Manual Shipment Number of kits included in a manual shipment
Fields in the Sites section Description
Site Name A site's name as entered by the site manager when they created the site
Site ID A site's ID as entered by the site manager when they created the site
Status A site's status at the moment the report is run. For example, a site's status might be New, Active, or Retired at the time you're running this report
Last Modified UTC time and date of the most recent changes performed by a site manager
Last Modified By User name of the user who made the latest change
Fields in Site Addresses Information Description
Address 1 A site's first address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site
Address 2 A site's second address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site
City A site's city as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site
Country A site's country as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site. Report displays country abbreviation.
State/ Province/ County A site's state, province, or county as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site
Zip/ Postal Code The Zip Postal Code associated with a site's address
Phone The contact phone number as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site
Fax The contact fax number as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the site
Email Email address of the site as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the site
Address Type An address can either be Primary (the site's official address) or a Shipping address (where shipments are sent from the depot). A site's official and shipping address can be one and the same.
Address Last Modified Most recent UTC time and date when a site manager updated a site's address
Address Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a site's address (typically a site manager)
Fields in Site Additional Information Description
Attribute Indicates text paired values such as:
  • Attention:
  • Whether a site is drug destruction capable or not
  • A principal investigator's first and last names
  • A site's time zone
  • DEA Number
  • DEA Expiration
  • Whether the following site permissions are turned on or off:
    • Add subjects
    • Screen subjects
    • Randomize subjects
    • Dispense to subjects
  • Kit Type
Data Indicates corresponding data for each attribute
Type of Change Indicates whether an attribute was created or updated
Last Modified Most recent UTC time and date when a site manager updated a site's attribute
Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a site's attribute (typically a site manager)
Fields in the Depots section Description
Depot Name A depot's name as entered by the clinical supply manager who created the depot
Depot ID A depot's ID as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created the depot
Status A depot's status at the moment the report is run. For example, a depot's status might be New, Active or Retired at the time you're running the report
Last Modified UTC time and date of the most recent changes performed by a clinical supply manager
Last Modified By Username of the user who made the latest change
Fields in Depot Addresses Information Description
Address 1 A depot's first address as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or last modified a depot
Address 2 A depot's second address as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or last modified a depot
City A depot's city as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or last modified the depot
Country A depot's country as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or last modified
State/ Province/ Country A depot's state, province, or county as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or last modified the depot
Zip/ Postal Code The Zip/ Postal Code associated with a depot's address
Phone The contact phone number as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the depot
Email Email address of the depot as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the depot
Address Type Indicates the type of address entered by the clinical supply manager when they created the depot. For example, primary, shipping, billing, or alternate address
Address Last Modified Most recent UTC time and date when a clinical supply manager updated a depot's address
Address Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a depot's attribute (typically a clinical supply manager)
Fields in Depot Countries Information Description
Countries A depot's country as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or updated a depot

The state(s) supplied within the depot's country as selected by the clinical supply manager when they created or updated the depot

Note: If all states are selected within the country, All displays for States.

Primary Country A depot's primary country as entered by the clinical supply manager when they created or updated a depot
Country Last Modified Most recent UTC time and date when a clinical supply manager updated a depot's country
Country Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a depot's country (typically a clinical supply manager)
Fields in Depot Additional Information Description
Attribute Indicates text paired values such as whether the depot is drug destruction capable or not, kit names, as well as the kit types that a depot can supply a site with
Data Indicates corresponding data for each attribute
Type of Change Indicates whether an attribute was created or updated
Last Modified Most recent UTC time and date when a clinical supply manager updated a depot's attribute
Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a depot's attributes (typically a clinical supply manager)