Study Roles report (by study)

In this report, you view information on all study roles created for a specific study that you're assigned to. The report includes information on predefined study roles created by Oracle, as well as data on retired study roles.

If you're a user administrator or a sponsor user who needs to view data on study created at a study level, then this is the report you'll typically generate. On the Home page, click the Reports tab to find the report, and run it any time during the duration of a study.

If you run the report for multiple studies, data for each study will be displayed in a separate table that includes the columns described below, in the Field Descriptions section.


Available in all modes: Study Design

Permission required to run the report

Only study-level users who are assigned the Run the Study Roles Report permission to the specific study can generate this report. Typically, these users might be:

  • User administrator
  • Clinical Research Administrator (CRA)
  • Production Admin
  • Site Administrator
  • View Only for Unblinded Support Users

If you want to run the report at a global level, the name changes to Study Roles Report By Study and you will need a global role assigned to you.


Filter Description
Study Names Choose a study to run the report for. Leave the field blank to run the report for all studies.
File Type Choose the output type for the report: HTML or PDF.

Field descriptions


Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
Column name Descriptions
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
Study Names Name of the study or studies selected as a filtering option for the report
Report Generated By User name of the user who generated this report
Created Date UTC time and date of the current generated report
Study Role Name Name of the study role name as entered by a user administrator
Permissions Permissions a user administrator included in the respective study role
Data Classification Data classifications a user administrator included in the respective user role.
Status Status of a study role: can be Active or Retired
Last Modified By User name of the user who last modified a study role
Last Modified UTC time and date of the latest update for a study role