Subject Visits (Blinded) report

In this report you view blinded details about each subject's visits and their treatments. With this report you get a complete view of each subject's visit scheduled, including completed visits and projected appointments.

The Subject Visit report is available for both blinded and unblinded studies. The details included in each report differ according to the permissions assigned to the user that runs the report.

With this report you get a complete view of each subject's visit schedule, including completed visits and projected appointments. Additionally, for unblinded studies, the report offers details about the subject's treatment, such as Kit ID, Kit description, and the anticipated number of kits to be dispensed in future visits.

The report is available in both CSV and PDF formats.


Available in all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production.

Permission required to run the report

Any user who's assigned the Run the Subject Visit Report permission can generate this report.


Filter Description
Projected Window Dates

See all projected window dates within an interval of time.

Note: The results do not include dispensation dates.

Visit Type Choose one of the following:
  • All to include all visits in a study.
  • Completed Only to only include a subject's completed visits in the report.
Site Choose a site to include only the visits that took place at that specific location or leave it blank to include data for all sites.
Subject Choose one or more subjects to include only visits for these specific subjects or leave it blank to receive visit data for all subjects included in the study.
Subject Status Choose one of the following:
  • Active to only include data related to active subjects in a study (typically, these are subjects who have been randomized in a study).
  • All Subjects to include data related to all subjects in a study, no matter their state.
File Type Choose the output type for the report:
  • CSV
  • HTML
  • PDF

Field descriptions


Fields that don't have any corresponding values are marked as N/A in the report.
Initial fields Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription.
Study Name A study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study.
Mode The mode in which you ran this report.
Visit Type The type of visits you selected for this report. Can be All or Completed Only.
Report generated by User name of the user who generated this report.
Created Date UTC time and date of when this report was run.
Site The site you selected for this report.
Subject The subjects you selected for this report.
Subject Status Indicates the type of subject you selected for this report, whether active or not.
Fields displayed for every selected site and subject Description
Dispensed Date Reflects the date when a kit was replaced.
Kit Description Indicates a short description of each kit dispensed to a subject. Data for this column can be either visible or blinded based on role and study design.
Visit Title A visit's title as entered by a study designer.
Unscheduled Visit Number Number of the unscheduled visit a subject attended.
Visit Start Date Date stamp of a visit's start date.
Projected Visit Date Date of the upcoming visit type for a subject.
Kit Number / Lot Number

Numbers of kits (serialized dispensation), or a grouped quantity of kits (non-serialized dispensation), dispensed to a subject during a visit.

The number of locally sourced kits displays if applicable.

Replaced Kit / Lot Number Reflects replacement kit (serialized inventory) or lot (non-serialized inventory) numbers.
Last Modified By User name of the user who last performed this transaction.

Indicates reason for selected actions, for example: Lost, Damaged, Not Dispensed to Subject.

Note: This field will not populate for replacement kits.