User Assignment Across Studies report

This report displays the study roles and permissions assigned to users across studies.


Do you need to run reports for a specific study or site? Learn more about the User Assignment report and the User Assignment by Site report.
The User Assignment Across Studies report contains the following details:
  • User's names and their assigned study roles
  • The date a user was provisioned or their end date, if it was specified
  • A user's status helping you determine which users should be removed across multiple studies


Available in all modes: Study Design, Testing, Training, and Production.

Permission required to run the report

There is no specific permission that is required to run this report. Only users who are assigned the Global User Manager and the Study Creator global roles can generate this report.

Table 2-2 Filters

Filters Description
User name Choose an individual user or multiple users.


The filter does not allow the selection of all users.
Study Mode Choose one or all study modes for which you want to run this report: Study Design, Testing, Training, or Production.
Include Permissions Select Yes to show the permissions assigned to users in one or multiple study roles across studies that they are a part of. Select No to exclude these permissions from the report.

By default, this setting is set to No.

Include Decommissioned Studies Select Yes to include study roles from decommissioned and inactive studies. Select No (default) to exclude data from these studies.

By default, this setting is set to No.

File Type Select the output type for the report: CSV, HTML, or PDF.

Table 2-3 Field descriptions

Fields Description
Customer Name A customer's name used to purchase the cloud subscription
User Name Displays the names of the users that you selected to include in this report.
Include Permissions Displays Yes or No, depending on your setting configuration.
Report Generated By User name of the user who generated this report
Created Date UTC time and date of when this report was run
Study Mode The study mode to which the user is assigned. For example, you may run a report for Testing mode to verify a user's assignment details for that specific study mode.
Include Decommissioned Studies Displays Yes or No, depending on your setting configuration.
User Name Indicates the specified user's name.
Study Name A study's ID as entered by the study manager when they created the study
Study Mode Indicates the study mode associated with the user's assigned study role. For example, the same user may have different study roles assigned to them for each study mode. User A may be assigned the Study Designer (template) study role in Study Design mode and the Study Manager study role in Testing mode.
Study Role The name of the study role as entered by a user administrator.
Permissions If included, permissions are listed in this column for a specified user. If excluded, the column only displays a value of "Excluded".
Start Date The date the user was first assigned the role.
End Date Displays either "No End Date" or the date entered to terminate a user's access.
Status The user's status at the time the report is run for example, New or Active.


Currently, the only status showing is Active. If you want to identify users that are retired or deleted, this would not be displayed at the moment.
Last Modified Date UTC time and date of the latest update for a user's role assignment details.
Last Modified by The user name of the user who last modified a user's role assignment details.