Compare related instances

Check a value for a matching instance in a repeating form.

Rule description: severity (a radio control) must be different from the previous one for the same related Adverse Event (AENUM).

Rule expression

//variable declaration
var rc;                         //Radio Control - severity
var ins;                        //placeholder for Repeating Form instance 
var outc='';                    //placeholder for severity label value
var cnt=0;                      //counter variable

//function definition to identify number of instances matching the severity value
function functi(item,index)
	if(item.deleted===false && item.value!==null && index!==(ins-1) && index<ins-1)
		if(item.value===aenum1val)                                    //Checks if the passed-in instance has a matching AE number value with the current instance
		     if(newsev[index]!==null && sevval!==null)                    
			     outc=JSON.parse(newsev[index].value)[0].label;     //Retrieves label from severity selection made by the user in the related instance
			     if(outc===sevval)                                //Checks if the severity value in the related instance is matching in the current instance
			          cnt=cnt+1;                                 //Updates the number of identified matching instances

//variable declaration
	ins = GetCurrentRFInstance();                                //Retrieves instance of the current AE form
	var aenum1val=aenum1;                                        //Adverse event number item
	var sevval=getStringFromChoice(newsev1);                    //Variable for severity item to retrieve the label for the severity choice item selected by the user
	rc=getValues('aenum','newsev');                              //Gets values entered for AE number and severity items
	if(rc===true && aenum1val!==null && sevval!==null && ins>1)     //Checks if getValues function retrieved results array, if AE number and severity values are not null and if current instance is not the first instance of the form
		aenum.forEach(functi);        //Execute the function code for all AE number values entered in the form
		if(cnt>0 )
			return false;          //System sends query when return false condition is met
			return true;
		return true;
    setQueryMessage(err);                 //set query message to display an encountered error
    return false;                         //System sends query when return false condition is met

Query: The new severity is the same as the previous one. Please check.



Created variable for the Severity item from rule description.


Corresponds to the Adverse Event Number item from the rule description.

GetCurrentRFInstance( )

Gets the form instance number of the current repeating form.

getStringFromChoice( )

Converts selected label for the choice element (drop-down, radio buttons or checkboxes) to a string or a comma-separated value. Takes in the choice element as parameter.

getValues( )

Fetches values for one or more variables across multiple visits, in an array format ordered by visits. In this case takes aenum and newsev variables described above.

setQueryMessage( )

Specify dynamic query text passed in as a parameter.


Function declared in code. Identifies number of instances matching the giving severity value.

Return value


Returns either true or false. System raises query when return false condition is met.

Verification steps

  1. Using a subject for testing, go to the given visit and form containing the iems to check, in this example the Adverse Event number <aenumval> and severity <sevval>in the specified repeating form instance.
  2. Update the form items aenumval and sevval as in the following table and verify the result is as listed:
    Step Notes Result

    a. In the first repeating form (1RF) instance enter the aenumval item as '1' (AE1) and select sevval as 'Grade 1'.

    Only one repeating form instance.

    No query.

    b. Go to a second repeating form (2RF) instance and enter the aenumval item as '1' (AE1) and select sevval as 'Grade 1' (same as in previous step).

    Matching values in 1RF and 2RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1

    Query in 2RF.

    c. Update sevval item in 2RF instance as 'Grade 2'.

    Different values in 1RF and 2RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 2

    No queries.

    d. Update sevval item in 2RF instance back as 'Grade 1'.

    Matching values in 1RF and 2RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1

    Query in 2RF.

    e. Update aenumval item in 2RF instance as '2' (AE2).

    Different values in 1RF and 2RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1

    No queries.

    f. Create a thrid repeating form (3RF) instance and enter aenumval item as '1' (AE1) and sevval as 'Grade 1'.

    Matching values in 1RF and 3RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 3RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1

    Query in 3RF.

    g. Update aenumval in 3RF as '3' (AE3).

    Different values in all repeating form instances:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 3RF:
      • AE3
      • Severity Grade 1

    No queries.

    h. Update the aenumval item in 3RF as '2' (AE2).

    Matching values in 2RF and 3RF:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 3RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1

    Query in 3RF.

    i. Update the sevval item in 2RF as 'Grade 3'.

    Different values in all repeating form instances:
    • 1RF:
      • AE1
      • Severity Grade 1
    • 2RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 3
    • 3RF:
      • AE2
      • Severity Grade 1

    No queries.

Other examples

Example 4-28 The start date of the treatment must be after or the same as the stop date of treatment for the previous prescription of the same drug

var rc;
var ins;
var ind=-1;
var res='';
function functi(item,index)
	if(item.deleted===false && item.value!==null && index!==(ins-1) && index<ins-1)
			if(stpdt[index]!==null && stdt[ins-1]!==null)
				else{  ind = 0;}
	ins = GetCurrentRFInstance();
	if(rc===true && ins!==1)
			return false;
		else { return true; }
		return true;

Query message: Start date is prior to stop date of previous prescription. Please correct or confirm.