FindMinInRepeatingForms( )

Find the minimum value of a given data item in all instances of a repeating form. The data is retrieved by form ID and works only for numeric fields.

For this function:

  • You cannot use drop-downs, radio buttons, or checkbox values as function parameters or as a target.


This is an aggregation function. The rule is run for each form instance in the case where the target is on a repeating form.




Item variable to search.


It is allowed to reuse variables passed into this function elsewhere in the rule expression, however you must add the variable as a parameter using single quotes.

Return value

Returns the minimum value across all instances or "0" if no minimum can be found.

Example 3-45 Find the minimum value of the "weight" number item across all repeating form instances in a visit

// Given 5 repeating form instances with "weight" item containing values of "150, 200, 250, 300, 350"
return FindMinInRepeatingForms('varWeight');
// returns 150