getDataElementsArray( )

Return an array of data element arrays that contain data collection information about all existing instances for each variable.

Return an array of data element arrays that contain data collection information about all existing instances for each variable.


getDataElementsArray(var1, var2, ...)


var1, var2, ...

Variables that are defined based on visits, forms, and items.

Return value

The rule returns an array of data element arrays with visit or branch short name.

Example 3-97 Rule with two variables: txt and num

var obj = getDataElementsArray(txt, num);
var result = "";
if(obj && obj.result)
    //list of dataelements for txt variable
    var txtPathObject = obj.result[0];
    //list of dataelements for num variable
    var numPathObject = obj.result[1];
    //dataelement value can be referenced through index
    //return txtPathObject[0].value + " --- " + numPathObject[0].value;
    //dataelement value can be referenced through forEach loop
    txtPathObject.forEach(function(txtVar) {
        result = result + ">>>" + txtVar.value;
    /*var result = "";
    numPathObject.forEach(function(numVar) {
        result = result + ">>>" + numVar.value;
return result;
var obj = getDataElementsArray(txt, num);
var result = "";
if(obj && obj.result)
    //list of dataelements for txt variable
    var txtPathObject = obj.result[0];
    //list of dataelements for num variable
    var numPathObject = obj.result[1];
    //access to dataelements properties for txt variable
        //do something
    if(txtPathObject[0].visitType=='SCHEDULED') //visit type
        //do something
    if(txtPathObject[0].eventInstanceNum=='1') //cycle instance number or unscheduled visit instance number
        //do something
    if(txtPathObject[0].repeatSequenceNumber=='1') //repeating form instance number
        //do something
    if(txtPathObject[0].value=='Yes') //###user friendly value to be implemented
        //do something
return result;

These types of JavaScript expressions can be used in Oncology Solid Tumor studies to sum up all the lesions prior to that visit and determine the lowest prior sum. Additionally, the rule can be used to check if a certain value exists in at least one visit or to compare values with the current visit, form, and so forth.