list2SInstances( )

List all instance numbers for a two-section form.


This is an aggregation function. The rule is run for each form instance in the case where the target is on a two-section form.


list2SInstances('variable', formInstance, includeDeleted)


An item that exists on the visit or form to search.


It is allowed to reuse variables passed into this function elsewhere in the rule expression, however you must add the variable as a parameter using single quotes.
  • If null, the search considers an array of existing instances of two-section forms. Ideally this should be used with variables in the flat section of the form.
  • If a value is provided, the search considers an array of existing table rows on the specified instance of the two-section form.
  • null or 0 - Do not include deleted two-section instances in the return array.
  • 1 - Include deleted two-section instances in the array count.

Return value

An array of two-section form instance numbers.

Example 3-74 Raise a query if AE form instance #2 does not exist

// Raise a query if AE form instance #2 does not exist
var arrAE = list2SInstances('onDate', 0);
return (arrAE.indexOf(2) == -1)?false:true;