Manage published rules from the Rule Management page

View and manage all published custom rules within a study, in either Production or Training mode.

Once a rule is published, there are three versions of the rule (Testing, Training, Production) and all can be managed separately.

All active rules (in Production and Training modes) are listed with the following details:
  • Rule name and description.
  • Target form.
  • Target question.
  • If rule is enabled or disabled in Production mode.
  • If rule is enabled or disabled in Training mode.
  • Last published date and user.


    This field displays the details of when the rule became active in poduction, this is when study version with the rule in approved or published state got moved to the Approved container.


If you can't see all columns, make sure you scroll all the way to the right.

See Manage rules in Testing mode from the Rule Management page to view and manage rules under development and already published in Testing mode.

  1. Access the Rule Management page.
  2. Navigate to the Production & Training tab.
  3. Choose how to view your rules:
    By default, rules are ordered by target form and question.
    • To order by a different attribute, hover over the given column header and click the arrow (Sort Ascending/Descending) to the right of the column name.
    • To search for a specific rule, type its name in the search bar and press Enter on your keyboard..
  4. To manage rules in Production and training modes you have the following options:
    Option Description
    Enable/Disable a rule for a given mode
    1. Locate the rule.
    2. Click Enabled or Disabled in the respective column:
      • Production Mode
      • Training Mode
      A blue background indicates the current status.
    Enable/Disable multiple rules
    1. Use the checkbox to the left of each rule to select all the rules you want to enable or disable.
    2. Click the Enable/Disable drop-down.
    3. Select Enable or Disable accordingly.
    4. Select on which mode do you want to apply the changes:
      • Production & Training Mode
      • Production Mode
      • Training Mode
    View rule in the Rule Editor
    1. Locate the rule.
    2. Click the Action drop-down to the right.
    3. Select View Rule.
    Locate a published rule on the Design & Testing tab
    1. Locate the rule.
    2. Click the Action drop-down to the right.
    3. Select Find in Design & Testing.