Use predictive text to write rules

Use predictive text to add suggested variable names, basic JavaScript syntax, Subject attributes and rule helper functions to your rule expression.

When you write rule expressions, a predictive text feature is available as you type, listing available Subject attributes and rule helper functions with their descriptions. This feature also suggests variable names and some standard JavaScript syntax, when applicable.
Predictive text is only available in the expression text box of the rule editor, when creating rules. See Create rules using the rule editor.
  1. With the Rule Editor open, start typing in the Expression text box.
    For any string you enter, you will get a list of releted options.
  2. Select a suggestion from the list, either using the mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard.


    A short description is available as you hover over a list item. To see the expanded description, including parameters description and return value details, if applicable, click on the right arrow icon (Right arrow)
    or use the right arrow key, then press the down arrow key on your keyboard.
Selecting an item from the list adds it to your expression, and for rule helper functions it includes its parameters as placeholders for you to complete.