What happens when one of the rule's inputs is cleared?

When a question used as a rule's input is updated (cleared, removed or replaced with a new value), the system processes the change causing the impacted rule or rules to be re-run. The end result depends on the rule logic and is applicable to all types of custom rules.


You can view the resulting actions in the Answer & Visit History sidebar, each stated as the result of rule execution.
  • For rules that populate calculated values, if a question used as an input for the calculation is removed or cleared, the rule re-runs with an empty value as the input. This would typically result in the calculated value also getting removed or cleared (respectively). However, you should keep in mind that the output always depends on what the rule logic dictates.


    Clearing or removing a value makes it null and it is not the same as making it zero.
  • If a question with an opened automated query is cleared or removed, either directly or as a result of calculation rule, the query will behave according to what the rule dictates. Typically, the automated query would get Closed, but this is only if the condition for the query no longer applies and as long as the rule logic doesn't dictate differently.
  • For rules that raise queries or send notifications, the result of clearing the input depends on how an empty input would trigger the rule. So, only for the case of rules that raise queries or send notifications when detecting empty values, clearing a value results on a notification being sent or a query being raised against the question.