Assign a study version to a site

To make a study version live in any mode, you must perform these steps and then activate a site. If the site you need to activate hasn't been created yet, you must first add the site. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.


You or your delegate are responsible for ensuring that appropriate regional and local regulatory approvals are in place before allowing a site access to any study versions that may mandate the conduct of specific procedures and investigations on subjects.


If you have a lot of sites, use the filters above the table of sites to find the site you're looking for.
  1. Open the study settings.
  2. Click the Sites & Labs tab.
  3. Along the top, select a specific mode:
    • Production Sites
    • Testing Sites
    • Training Sites
  4. Locate a site and, from the Study Version drop-down, select the study version that the site must use.

    The study version must be under either Testing or Approved on the Home page.


    Use the Study Version drop-down in the column header to apply a study version to all sites.
  5. In the upper-right corner, click Apply Changes.