Decommission other studies

Certain customer environments contain non-production studies that may require decommissioning.


The following content is not relevant to studies in the Release Assessment Environment.

Consider the following before decommissioning a non-production study

  • Should I generate any reports?
  • Should I generate any Oracle CRF Submit extracts?

Things to be aware of before decommissioning a non-production study

  • A decommissioned non-production study cannot be recommissioned.
  • Unlike a production study, Oracle does not provide a pluggable database (PDB) package when they decommission a non-production study.

Decommission a non-production study

  1. Log into Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway to disable active integrations.
  2. Then, log into Oracle Life Sciences Support Cloud.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click Create Request, then select Change Request.
  4. Click the Decommission an application option and complete the request using the details below:


    Complete the Change Request precisely as defined below to ensure the correct study is decommissioned.
    Field Description
    Summary Decommission a non-production study
    Severity Medium
    Description Requesting the decommission of a non-production study, <enter study names>
    • Change - Cloud Environment
    • Application
    • Decommission
    Customer Customer name
    Product Clinical One
    Business Service Clinical One - customer name
    Environment Other
    Implementation Window As Soon As Possible
    Action Business Service Decommission
    Impact Analysis Leave blank
    sFTP Path Enable the setting
    Date Required By Select the ideal date for decommission