How are the required kits calculated in a predictive resupply strategy?

When using a predictive resupply strategy, the application uses the number you specify for the strategy to calculate the number of kits that are required in a shipment.

The process of calculating the required kits

For each kit type, the application first looks at the specified number for the Trigger Weeks field to determine the number of subjects that might be coming during a specified time in the study.

Next, the application also looks at the number of kits that each randomized subject will need to have on hand at the site to cover the upcoming visits. Based on these numbers, the application adds the number specified for the Minimum Buffer field.

After this calculation is made, the application calculates the exact number of kits at the site and adds any kits to the site that have a status of In Transit. If the number that results from this calculation (also known as the number of required kits) is greater than the number of kits at a site or the number of kits that have a status of In Transit, then a shipment is raised.

If a site's available inventory has a quantity of kits that is equal or less than the projected need, as part of the resupply strategy, then a shipment is automatically created for the site. The quantity of that shipment will contain all of the kits that are required for resupply minus what already exists in a site's available inventory.

Site available inventory = < Projected need => Triggered shipment. 
The number of kits in that triggered shipment = Resupply need - Site available inventory.

Parameters of the calculation


  • If a visit’s projected date is 10-June-2024, and that visit's window starts 5 days before the visit's date, then a visit's date can be considered 5-June-2024.
  • You can also use the Subject Visit (Unblinded) report to view more data about your projected kits. The Subject Visit (Unblinded) report, only displays a visit's projected date, but not a visit's date with its specified visit window. For example, in the Subject Visit (Unblinded) report, you will see a visit's projected date as being 10-June-2024, not 5-June-2024.
  • If your study is set up with visits that have unlimited cycles, only one cycle is used in the calculation for a resupply or trigger week shipment.

The following parameters are used in the calculation of the required kits in a predictive resupply shipment:

Parameter Description
Site available Inventory The application counts all kits that have a status of Available, In Transit, and Pre-Quarantined.
Kits needed in trigger weeks Based on the calculation steps described earlier, the application counts the number of kits needed for all visits during the trigger weeks for subjects that have a status of Screened, Enrolled, or Active at a site.
Kits needed in resupply weeks Based on the calculation steps described earlier, the application counts the number of kits needed for all visits during the resupply weeks for subjects that have a status of Screened, Enrolled, or Active at a site.
Projected need The projected need represents the number of kits that are projected to be required when a site is running low on kits. This is a number that is calculated by adding the number specified in the Trigger Weeks field to the number specified in the Minimum Buffer field.

The resulting number represents the number of kits to be included in a shipment that is automatically triggered during a trigger week.

Resupply need The resupply need represents the number of kits that are typically needed during the usual resupply weeks at a site. This is a number that is calculated by adding the number specified in the Resupply Weeks field to the number specified in the Maximum Buffer field.

The resulting number represents the number of kits to be included in a shipment that is automatically triggered during a resupply week.