Make sure users are assigned to the correct sites and depots

Sometimes users are created before sites and depots are set up. If your study followed that workflow, make sure you assign everyone to the appropriate sites and depots after the sites and depots are created.


For a site user to enroll and dispense kits to subjects in a rollover study, they need to be assigned the same permissions, the same sites, and depots in both the original and the rollover study.
  1. Open the study settings.
  2. Click the Users tab.
  3. To see the roles and sites assigned to a user, select the user, and expand Assigned Study Roles and Assigned Sites on the right side pane.
  4. To edit a user's roles or sites, or to see the user's assigned depots, select a user, and from the Manage Users drop-down, select Edit.
  5. In the Edit User dialog, verify that the user has the correct study roles for Production, Training, and Testing modes. Make updates as required.
  6. Click Next and verify user is assigned to the correct sites and depots. Make updates as required.
  7. Click Finish.
Repeat for every user who will work in Production, Training, and Testing modes.