Open the design of a study version

View the study versions available in the different modes and get details about the visit schedule, forms, treatment arms, randomization, and kits configured in the study design of a given study version.


Opening the study design of a Testing, Approved or Archived version can only be done in read-only mode. You cannot edit any design details. Updates to the study design can only be made to a Draft study version. See Open the study in Draft mode.
  1. On the Home page, locate your study.
  2. Click the pencil button (pencil button) on the given study.
    The Draft, Testing, Approved and Archived containers are displayed below the study name. Study versions associated to a given mode are listed in the respective container.

    Do this when you want to verify that there is a study version associated to the Testing or Production (Approved) mode.


    If you cannot see the pencil button (pencil button), reach out to your Oracle project manager to revise your role and permissions within the study.
  3. To open a study's design in read-only mode, click a study version under Testing, Approved or Archived containers.