View a drug order form

A drug order form (also known as a DOF, kit order form, or shipment order form) is a document that presents all details of a shipment requested during a clinical study.

Field descriptions

As a sponsor user, you can update the drug order form to reflect the shipment's contents. A depot or site user can then download the drug order form, print it out, add any special instructions for other users in a study, and sign it.


As a clinical supply manager or an unblinded depot user, you can update the a drug order form if you're assigned with the Update the Shipment Order Form permission. If you wish to know more about shipment orders in your overall study, generate the Order Summary report.

The table below contains descriptions of all fields displayed in a drug order form. The Special Instructions, Signature, and Date fields can only be filled in offline, after you download and print the drug order form.

Field Description
Study Indicates the study associated with the drug order form that you downloaded.
Mode Indicates the study mode in which you downloaded the drug order form. Displayed values can be TEST, ACTIVE, or TRAINING.
Shipment Number Indicates the shipment number associated with your drug order form.
Date Requested Indicates the date when the shipment associated with the drug order form has been requested.
(Site/ Center) Number Indicates the site number associated with the requested shipment.
Investigator (Full Name) Indicates the name of the Principal Investigator, as specified by a site manager when they created the site.
Ship Care Of (Ship to Name) or Ship to Address) Indicates the name of the facility where the shipment is supposed to be delivered, as well as the address of the facility. This facility can be a site or another depot within the study.
Telephone (Ship to Phone) Indicates the facility's associated phone number, whether it's a depot or site facility.
Fax (Ship to Fax) Indicates the facility's associated fax number, whether it's a depot or a site facility.
Date Expected at Site/ Depot Indicates the projected date of a shipment's arrival at a site. For a depot-to-depot shipment, this field indicates the projected date of a shipment's arrival at a depot.
Number of Study Medication (Kits/ Bottles/ Boxes) Indicates the exact number of investigational product kits, specifically for kits, boxes, or bottles.
Depot Email Indicates the email address of the depot that prepares and delivers this shipment to the site or to another depot. The email address is displayed as it was specified by a clinical supply manager when they created the depot.
Phone Indicates the phone number of the depot that prepares and delivers this shipment to the site or to another depot. The phone number is displayed as it was specified by a clinical supply manager when they created the depot.
Fax Indicates the fax number of the depot that prepares and delivers this shipment to the site or to another depot. The fax number is displayed as it was specified by a clinical supply manager when they created the depot.
Special instructions Indicates any special instructions specified by an unblinded depot user for other depot users within the study or site users. May contain specific details on how to handle packages or the contents of a shipment.
Kit Numbers Indicates numbers of all kits included in a shipment.
Signature This is the field that a site or depot user is supposed to sign upon receiving and registering a shipment.
Date This is the field that a site or depot user is supposed to fill-in with the date of the shipment reception.